method and

superorange 2022/07/03 407Views

Method and Error



1. check substring

contains()  // to return the boolean value, if it has substring,return true, otherwise return false
indexOf()  // return the the start value of index of the substring
String a = "fastfood";
//it will return 4


1.make string lowercase/uppercase







get the unit of code:

String string1 = "fast";
char code_unit = string1.charAt(0);
//code_unit = "f"

String inputString;
int length = inputString.length();
String inputString;
for (int i=0; i<length; i++){
   	string1 = inputString.charAt(i) + string1;
return string1;

2. toCharArray()

to make the string to array type

String inputString;
int length = inputString.length();
char[] try1 = inputString.toCharArray();
String string1 = "";
for (int i = length -1; i>=0; i--){
	string1 =  string1 + try1[i];
  return string1;

4. Emoji in the string

get the correct index of element in the string(with emoji)

because the string has emojis(Java UTF-16), so the length of the emoji in the string is not fixed, use codepoint to get the excat length of each element in the string. and get the index of the element use summary of these length

String s = '';
for (int i = 0; i < s.length(); ) {
   //get the length of the element
        int cp = s.codePointAt(i);
        int index = Character.charCount(cp);
  // get the correct index of each character
       i = i + index;


replace or remove something in the string

String string1 = "six-years-old";
//get sixyearsold

6.Remove Control character in the string with regex

6.1 ASCII control characters

string.replaceAll("\\p{Cntrl}" , "")

6.2 Unicode control characters

string.replaceAll("(?U)\\p{Cntrl}", "");

6.3 Keep only letters in the string iwth regex

string.replaceAll("[^A-Za-z]+", "")

keep letters included unicode characters

string.replaceAll("\\P{L}+", "");

7.duplicate character

use set to remove. set can store the unique element in the string.

LinkedHashSet<character> set = new LinkedHashSet<>();

8.skip something

use while loop and set condition inside to make the index skip the something.

Example: in the string with space, skip the space

public void SkipSpace(String s){
	int i = 0;
	int j = s.length()-1;
	//skip the left
		while(i<j && s.charAt(i) == ' '){
	//skip the right
		while(i<j && s.charAt(j) == ' '){


(1)KMP Algorithm is used to match string;

(2)The idea of it is that when there is a string mismatch, you can know a part of the text content that has been matched before, you can use this information to avoid doing the matching from scratch. Use next Array to record these content. (Next array is a Prefix Table).

(3)Prefix: all substrings starts with first character that don’t include last character in the string.

Suffix: all substrings ends with the last character that don’t include first character in the string.



prefix: a,ab,abc

suffix: d,cd,bcd

(4) build the Prefix Table: find the longest length of (prefix = suffix)

Example: the string is aabaaf

a: 0

aa: 1(prefix=a, suffix =a)

aab:0(prefix=a,aa; suffix =b,ab)

aaba:1(prefix:a,aa,aab ; suffix: a,ba,aba; so the a=a, length is 1)

aabaa: 2 (prefix:a,aa,aab,aaba; suffix:a,aa,baa,abaa; so aa =aa, the length is 2)

aabaaf: 0

The Prefix Table of aabaaf is :




(5) when find the confict character(two character isn’t same), we find the longest length of (prefix = suffix) of the character before this character. Then, set the number of this length as the new start index of match

(6) Get the prefix Array

Step1:initialization, set two pointer(one for the end of suffix, one for the prefix and record the length of (suffix = prefix)), initialize the array

Step2: when the two characters that two pointer pointed are not equal, make the prefix index return to the character that they are equal, if can’t find the same character until the begining of the string, then make index as the beginning of the string.

Step3: if two characters are equal, then make the suffix and prefix pointers point to next

Step4: Update the array, give the array with current length of prefix.

public void GetArray(String s){
  int j=0; //set the prefix pointer
  int i=1; //set the suffix pointer
  int[] next = new int[s.length()];
  char[] result = s.toCharArray();
    while(j>0 && result[j]!=result[i]){
      j = next[j-1];
    if(result[i] == result[j]){

Step1: build the prefix Table Array of KMP for the needle string

Step2: Compare the needle string with original string with prefix table



class Solution {
    public int strStr(String haystack, String needle) {
        if (needle.length() == 0){
            return 0;
        char[] s1 = haystack.toCharArray();
        char[] s2 = needle.toCharArray();
//      the prefix table array
        int[] result = new int[needle.length()];
//      build the prefix table array for needle string
//      set two pointers, j is prefix pointer(it also used to record the length of (prefix = suffix)) and i is suffix pointer
        int j= 0;
        for(int i=1; i<s2.length;i++){
//       if two character aren't equal, move back the j, until the character it pointed equal to the i pointed or it back to the begining of the string
            while(j>0 && s2[j]!=s2[i]){
                j = result[j-1];
//       j also record the length, and when two characters are euqal, move two pointers to the next(i has moved in the loop)      
            if(s2[i] == s2[j]){
//      compare the original string and the needle string
//      set the pointer for needle
        int first = 0;
        for (int second = 0; second < s1.length; second++){
//          compare the needle and original string
            while(first>0 && s1[second] != s2[first]){
                first = result[first-1];
            if(s1[second] == s2[first]){
//             when compare all the needle string, and because now the first is equal to the length of needle, so get the index by minius it.
            if(first == s2.length){
                return (second-first+1);
        return -1;


1. Length


2. Sort


3. Equals

Arrays.equals(array1, array2)

4.Sliding Window(like two pointers, fast index and slow index)

(1) Idea: change the start and end index of the subsequence dynamic to get the result that meet the requirement(it’s the process that continous searching the range)

(2) Key Points: set the content of the window; how to set and move the start and end index;

(3) Just use one loop, and use the index of the loop as the end index of the sliding window.


Object-Oriented Construction


	  private int distance;
	  public int speed;
    public int battery;
    public NeedForSpeed(int speed, int battery){
        this.speed = speed;
        this.battery = battery;
var car = new NeedForSpeed(5,2);
1.1 Public and Private
  • public:the member can be accessed by any code (no restrictions).
  • private: the member can only be accessed by code in the same class
1.2 Variable

the variables delcared in the field so that all method in the class can use them


build the template for the object


1.1 ternary conditional operator

condition? expression1 : expression2 ; 


1.Throw Exception

throw new Type_Exception();
 throw new IllegalArgumentException("leftStrand and rightStrand must be of equal length.");

Hash Table

for (char c = 'a'; c <= 'z'; c++) {
  //get index by calculate ASCII
    alphabet[c - 'a'] = c;

2. set.contains

//to verify does this element exist in the set

Structure of Hash

(2)Hashset: make elements in the set is unique
//define hashset
Set<data type> variale = new HashSet<>();
//add elements to set

//check does the element exist in the set
//define hashmap
Map<key data type, value:data type> variable = new HashMap<>();

//associate key and value in the map
Hash_Map.put(key, value)
//check whether a particular key is being mapped into the HashMap or not
//returns the value associated with the key_element in the map;


2. get index element