Project 3 of Adv. Algorithm

Project 3 of Adv.AlgorithmQuestion Description:Main:import mathimport randomclass bin_heap(): # root is 0 # parent:(i-1)//2 # left child: 2*i
Course 2022/06/09 361 views

advanced algorithm and data structure note

算法笔记Lecture 11.Maximum Subarray(连续的最大子集(暴力和分治法))a.暴力(brute force)(1)创建所有子集(2)分别计算所有子集的和(3)寻找子集中和最大的一组子集b.分治法(O(nlogn))(1)将数列分成两个部分,并且不停的二分寻找(2)寻找左右两部分
Course 2022/05/29 375 views

Linear and Discrete Optimization Note

LDO NoteTopic11.1 Difference between LP,IP,BIP,MIPLP: all decision value are any value except negative valueIP: all decision value are non-negative In
Course 2022/05/28 499 views

Fuzzy logic and system Notes

Fuzzy logic and system笔记
Course 2022/05/28 496 views